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About Jess Living Photography
Jess is a wedding photographer based in Southern California, but specializes in travel and destination weddings. Pursuing both creative and traditional styles, and using both digital and analog film photography; felt-emotion is captured using natural light and moody tones to bring depth to her subjects. Her photos evoke a sense of intimacy and storytelling, furthermore feeling personal and unique to each individual moment.
Behind The Brand
What draws you to wedding photography?
I am, and always have been, drawn to images that capture human emotion. It’s been my deepest motivator for my imagery. Naturally, that pull towards the heart led me to the wedding industry.
How would you describe your photography style?
My photography style changes moment-to-moment. I have worked for a variety skills to pull many different methods of shooting and styling, in order to use the best mode of imagery to compliment the moment. From editorial posing or funky lighting and angles, to a complete candid, the traditional classics, and more – I believe there are moments for all techniques in a wedding day.
What inspires you creatively?
I’m always inspired the most by nature. Whether it’s the colors, textures, or lighting – it’s an honor to capture our beautiful earth.
What is it that makes an image magical?
I believe a magical image is made by a photographer who is able to be present in a moment. One who is given enough freedom, both logistically and creatively, in order to capture the unique and unpredictable moments throughout a day.
What advice would you give couples when selecting their wedding photographer?
When you’re selecting your wedding photographer, always pay attention to their past work in order to see their learned methods. Even more so – pay attention to their current favorites and inspiration; that will be the best tell of what direction their work will be in the future.
Your dream location to shoot a wedding?
Weddings have pulled me around the world, but some places I’d love to capture someday include Azores, the Virgin Islands, Morocco, and South Africa.
Editor’s Notes
Why we love her…
Masterfully composed and rich with emotion, this photographer’s work is an artful balance of light and nature. From intimate candid moments to striking, editorial-inspired shots, Jess Living’s images radiate with hypnotic warmth and potent narrative.
For the couple…
Romanced by wedding photography that is both timeless and alive, capturing not just the details but the pulse and story behind each unfolding moment.