InspirationDrinks & Catering

Oceanic Inspired Seafood Bar Styling

Styling inspired by moody oceanic palettes and rustic textures

Obviously suited to celebrations in close proximity to the sea, the idea of a seafood bar can be installed as a beautiful ode to its origins, almost anywhere.

Distilled with both a sense of the ocean’s mesmerising colour and qualities, seafood bars look best when drawing from natural oceanic elements, looking to surface texture, tone and luminous, moody tableware.

Using metallic accents and shades of blues, layer your seafood displays on beds of ices with edible blooms. Think, large silver trays or the stormy surface of stoneware…even beautifully mother of pearl flatware to use as a feature for service.

Problem solve your salt dish, with elegant choices. We love organic hand-touched ceramics, in-kind oyster shell empties (cleaned, of course, and polished) and the stormy tenor of marble, in its palette of cool greys.

Style simply, using pattern and geometry to its greatest effect. Against layers of texture, add heigh through unexpected elements (not just the smooth and hard edge that are in opposition to each other) with black or pink salt and subtle, seaweed strand inclusions.


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