The Lovers

Saasha Burns
& Sammy Leetham

Photography by Jennifer Stenglein

A potent tonic of wanderlust and intoxicating love, traversing seas to discover unimaginable destinations together – globe trotters Saasha Burns and Sammy Leetham of Bear.Ltd return to where it all began for them, Byron Bay. 

A connection sparked on one serendipitous Summer’s night, transpired into the life long love story of two intrinsic souls. After years of exploring some of the most breathtaking pockets of the world, juggling two businesses together on the road, Saasha and Sammy have just embarked on their biggest adventure yet, welcoming their baby Atlas. 

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Talent's own clothing and jewelry (worn throughout).

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Saasha Burns

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Saasha Burns and Saamy Leetham's Love Story by Jennifer Stenglein

Photography / Jennifer Stenglein

Creative Direction / Emma Westblade @ The Lane

Talent / Saasha Burns & Sammy Leetham


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