Andrea Sham

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- Paris
- France
About Andrea Sham
Andrea Sham, an enchanting Parisian pastry chef, creates delectable wonders that meld the worlds of fine art and fairytales. Revered by luxury brands and coveted for the grandest occasions, her organic confections are the epitome of culinary craftsmanship. Picture the tables of the most distinguished restaurants in the heart of Paris, dotted with curated delights by desserts that become true works of art.
Editors Notes
Why we love it…
Visionary pastry chef Andrea Sham’s decadent artisan creations are wildly beautiful. We’re mesmerized by her ability to infuse fine art with poetry to paint dream-like desserts. Taste, texture and colors collide in her edible artworks.
For the couple…
Appreciators of fine art and femininity, they crave a collision of taste, texture and colors in devouring wedding desserts that take your breath away with dizzying beauty.
Styling tips…
Imagine the desired mood of your event and the feeling you’d like to stir in your guests. Think about colors, florals and ingredients that are evocative, and allow Andrea to infuse with her creative vision bringing to life the edible art of your dreams.