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About Halfpenny London
Founded in 2005 by costume designer, celebrity stylist and Central St Martins textile graduate Kate Halfpenny, Halfpenny London has become one of the UK’s leading luxury bridalwear brands. Coveted by the fashion elite, Halfpenny London weaves Brit cool with a luxe sensibility, creating innovative, chic dresses and separates for the modern woman.
Behind The Brand
What was the spark for beginning Halfpenny London?
For almost 20 years, I was a celebrity stylist and costume designer working across TV commercials, music videos and advertising. I had a colourful career and was fortunate enough to work with some of the most iconic superstars around the globe, winning two British Advertising Craft Awards along the way. However, when studying for my degree in the late 90’s, I specialised in bridal wear and had always made wedding dresses for my clients on the side. The dream was always to go into bridal full time and I never imagined that my other career would have dominated my working life for so long.
Halfpenny London was officially born when my friend, British actress Emilia Fox asked me to design two of her three wedding dresses when she married Jared Harris (King George VI from The Crown) and the rest is history!
What inspires you creatively?
Everything! I’m inspired by everything around me. Nature, art, architecture, fabrics, my amazing brides, my team, my family. Nature is a constant source of joy for me and I’m fascinated by the softness and delicacy of certain flowers, and the beautifully graphic elements of construct law. Stepping outside for a seaside walk near home with my husband, son and our dog – a big, goofy Australian labradoodle – is so invigorating and it’s creatively freeing to witness nature so powerfully raw. I also love to paint and draw and you’ll always find me doodling on any piece of paper I can find.
A favorite quote or piece of advice that inspires your creative work?
Be true to yourself. It sounds like a cliché, but I figured out early on that I would have to make my own way and this quote is what I come back to again and again.
What advice can you give to brides when shopping for their dress?
Research! It’s so easy now to find inspiration so explore on your social media platform of choice and see which styles resonate with you, then you can find out which specific brands you like and how to try them. Have a try-on session at home with all your favourite clothes. Take a note of what it is about them that you like and which necklines and silhouettes make you feel great as that’s a great starting point. Otherwise, ignore any and all advice on what you “should” be wearing. Our mantra is “be the bride you want to be”, whether that’s in a ballgown, or a trouser suit, or anything in between. I’ve always held the opinion that every woman should be able to wear a wedding dress that makes them feel like the very best version of themselves and feeling great has nothing at all to do with body size/shape so all you should be focussing on is how you feel in a dress. When you try the right one, you’ll know as it’ll feel right.
What are you drawn to in bridal right now? And what would you love to see less of?
I’ve always been an advocate of individual styling, and when I first started the brand, options were limited. Separates always made complete sense to me as a bride could essentially create her own, unique look, yet no-one was offering this at the time. I’m thrilled that the world has caught up and now brides everywhere have access to incredible bridal wear which allows them to express themselves fully. It’s an ethos that is a cornerstone of my business to this day, and will be forever. I’d love to see even more brides embrace this going forward. In terms of styles, I’m obsessed with volume right now, which is evident in my latest collections, and I can’t get enough!
Editor’s Notes
Why we love it…
Halfpenny London has redefined traditional bridal for the modern woman. Effortless elegance exudes from their timeless designs, masterfully crafted to mold to the female form, accentuating subtle intricacies in all of the right ways.
For the bride…
For the chic bride that wants her wedding gown to celebrate her individuality. Halfpenny London’s separate pieces and layers can be combined to create a look that’s unique to her.
Our Advice…
Halfpenny London offers an exclusive bespoke gown service, with limited spaces each year, so if you’re lucky, you could work with Kate Halfpenny herself on creating the dress of your dreams.