
Justin Alexander Signature

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About Justin Alexander Signature

Justin Alexander Signature redefines the essence of luxury and opulence in bridal - a testament to couture craftsmanship that transforms each gown into a sculptural masterpiece. Each piece is a visionary statement, reflecting a unique blend of sumptuous textures and exquisite finesse.

Behind The Brand Interview

What was the spark for beginning the brand?

While bridal is considered a traditional and conservative industry, I always look for ways to personally express my spirit and interests through each collection. I have also been driven by a deep appreciation for the art of couture – a craft that involves meticulous craftsmanship, attention to detail and luxurious fabrics. With Justin Alexander Signature, I envisioned a brand that would not only elevate the bridal experience, but also push the boundaries of traditional bridal wear. Integrating innovative and edgy designs with timeless elegance, it reflects a modern interpretation of what luxury bridal can be.

What inspires you creatively?

I am greatly inspired by the craftsmanship, silhouettes, and detailing from various historical periods. The shapes, structures, and intricate details in art and architecture also significantly influence my designs. Furthermore, I draw inspiration from contemporary fashion trends and advancements in textiles and technology.

A favorite quote or piece of advice that inspires your creative work?

“A bridal gown is not just a dress; it is a canvas of a bride’s dreams, a reflection of her essence and the love she carries. Every stitch is a promise, every detail a whisper of her journey.”

What advice can you give to brides when shopping for their dress?

First, be brave when trying on wedding dresses… Challenge yourself to have an open mind as you browse through the shops selection and allow the stylist to pull a few wildcards. You may surprise yourself and love something that was not on your mood board!

Next, while it’s great to have input from friends and family, the most important opinion is your own. You should feel like the best version of yourself in the dress. Accessories can dramatically alter the look of a gown and are a perfect way to express personality. Whether it’s a vintage veil, a unique pair of shoes, or a bold necklace, accessories provide an opportunity for self-expression.

What are you drawn to in bridal right now? And what would you love to see less of?

Sometimes less is more; while structure is necessary for certain designs, overly rigid gowns that restrict movement and aren’t comfortable for long durations are less desirable. Also gowns with too much embellishment can overshadow the bride herself.

A shift toward designs that feature meaningful embellishments is more appealing to me, as it highlights the bride rather than overpowering her.

In shapes, I am showing more alternative waistlines. Brides often default to natural waists, but I am so pleased to see them embracing drop waist and basque waistlines. Lastly, I’m drawn to the use of intricate textures, layered fabrics, and even bold patterns in bridal wear. These elements make a gown stand out and add a modern twist to classic silhouettes.

Editor’s Notes

Why we love him…

There are some bridal designers out there who understand the complexity of the female form, Justin Warshaw, CEO & Creative Director of Justin Alexander Signature, is certainly one of them. With a natural flair for sculpting and a deep appreciation for couture designs, he envisions a look for a bride that is both cutting edge and effortlessly polished.

For the bride..

Who is unafraid of a challenge and who is ready to be bold. Justin Alexander Signature makes every bridal experience one to remember from the first fitting. Finding meaningful embellishments and intricate textures to not only fit but feel undeniably special.