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About Memory Box Photography
We are Mel and Fred. MemoryBox is an outlet for our artistic selves, for our creativity, and our deep appreciation for the beauty of life. We are constantly amazed by the wonders that surround us, which serve as continuous inspiration. Weddings, in particular, provide an incredible opportunity to witness love and human connection firsthand. Over the past decade, we have had the privilege of travelling to some of Mexico's most stunning destinations, as well as Europe and the United States. Whether we are already at your location or just nearby, when we capture your wedding, we will be devoted to bringing you our unique vision and expertise on your most special occasion.
Behind The Brand
What draws you to wedding photography?
Weddings provide an amazing opportunity to be in touch with what we love to photograph. Lifetime celebrations, glamorous details and locations but especially raw emotions of love and joy.
How would you describe your photography style?
After years of discovery and mastering our art. We think we approach weddings on an editorial elegant style with a touch of fun and spontaneity.
What inspires you creatively?
We see life and human expressions as a work of art. Music, food and architecture are a great source of inspiration. But especially nature and unpopulated spaces.
What is it that makes an image magical?
Beautiful light and a great moment
What advice would you give couples when selecting their wedding photographer?
Be sure of what is your style for your day and if your photographer match that style. Then have a video call, have a chat and share your inspiration and dreams.
Your dream location to shoot a wedding?
New amazing remote places. A family Villa in Italy, A lost Hacienda in Mexico, A hidden State in Greece or a Dune in Morocco.
Editor’s Notes
Why we love Memory Box…
Evocative photos that encapsulate the deeply profound effect of moment and memory. We love the way Memory Box captures detail and weaves every individual story into a remarkable tapestry of heartfelt visuals.
For the couple…
Perfect for the couple seeking everlasting, elegant images that spill with depth and drama.