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Sam & Larissa are editorial wedding photographers and filmmakers based in Germany and available internationally. Understanding the profound significance of connection, Sam and Larissa combine timeless elegance with honest emotions. Inspired by fashion, 20th-Century Photographs and classic films, they have a sophisticated take on weddings.
Behind The Brand
What draws you to wedding photography?
A wedding is one of the few days when the most important and dearest people come together to celebrate life and togetherness. It is a day when words are spoken that perhaps could never have been articulated in day-to-day situations. It is a day when emotions are expressed that otherwise would have been hidden.
How would you describe your photography style?
Our style is best described as editorial wedding photography, where timeless elegance meets honest emotions.
What inspires you creatively?
Browsing 20th century photography books and listening to music is always very inspiring to us. As well as movies, magazines, art, new perspectives, places and conversations.
Pure inspiration is such an incredible feeling and often hits very unexpectedly. Whenever it happens, we observe it carefully and try to write down everything that came into our minds during that rush.
What is it that makes an image magical?
Sometimes it is composition, sometimes how the light behaves, but to us, it is mostly the actual memory of how the moment felt.
What advice would you give couples when selecting their wedding photographer?
Communication is key — meet your photographer via a video call and ensure they understand your vision, preferences, and what is most important to you personally. Select a photographer you feel comfortable with, as they will be by your side the entire day.
Your dream location to shoot a wedding?
Europe has so many amazing locations, it would be hard to choose only one.
But we feel very drawn to the Mediterranean countries and especially love weddings in Mallorca, Ibiza, Tuscany, Santorini, and Puglia.
Editor’s Notes
Why we love Sam & Larissa…
Editorial photographer and filmmakers Sam and Larissa’s cinematic visuals have an elegantly timeless quality, appearing to have been pulled from the pages of an artful luxury fashion magazine. Their unique blend of technical skill with creativity and pure sophistication is woven together to craft magical imagery that cuts through.
For the couple…
Ideal for the couple desiring both still photographs and motion pictures captured through an editorial and cinematic lens.
Our advice…
Brief your photographer on the characters of your film and the important and memorable moments to unfold throughout your wedding. Ensure they know the location, what the light is like, and allow them to work their magic.