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About Ela Tatiana Photography
Ela Tatiana is a destination wedding photographer based in London. Specializing in modern & editorial wedding photography for couples who are in search of something unique and timeless.
When you hire Ela, you are getting an expert who understands the lovely extravaganza that is a large gathering of linked people in one place. To make photos not just for you, but for all your guests.
She is a true professional, capturing moments without anyone noticing. Her unobtrusive style ensures that you can relax and enjoy the day, knowing that she is quietly capturing the best of your special memories.
Behind The Brand
What draws you to wedding photography?
Wedding photography merged everything that I love about people, art, travel, and photojournalism together. Being able to document the precious memories of others that will be cherished for years to come is a feeling like no other.
How would you describe your photography style?
- Modern: I have a passion for capturing you for who you are as a couple. Not some dated stuff where couples are told what to do when to do it, and how – I believe to look good on the pictures one must feel relaxed and comfortable
- Documentary: In simple terms, that means I like to capture memories of your wedding as it happens and limit the amount of interference I have in your day
- Editorial: I’ll give you gentle guidance throughout our portrait session to ensure you end up with editorial/fashion vibes photos that will look great printed and hung up in your home
What inspires you creatively?
I’m inspired by the uniqueness of each individual and the endless possibilities of the medium of photography. I love to explore new places and capture the unique characteristics of different cultures. The challenge for me is to create something truly unique and meaningful for my couples.
What is it that makes an image magical?
The power of an image is to evoke emotions and create powerful memories is what makes an image magical. It can be a feeling of joy or nostalgia, a sense of awe or wonder, or simply the beauty of the composition or artwork that has a sense of surrealism and imaginative detail.
What advice would you give couples when selecting their wedding photographer?
It is important to choose a photographer who makes you feel comfortable. Every photographer has a different style and it is important to find one that complements your personality. Even if it means spending more money or going with someone who is not as experienced, it is worth it if you feel at ease with the person. Communication is key when it comes to working with a photographer, so make sure to talk to them beforehand and discuss your expectations and ideas. Look at their portfolio and read their reviews to get a better idea of their style and personality before you book them. This will help ensure that the photos turn out exactly how you want them to.
Your dream location to shoot a wedding?
No matter the location, unique buildings, and architecture provide endless possibilities for creative and beautiful photographs as they offer a variety of angles, shapes, and textures to work with. They also provide a unique perspective to capture a city’s culture and atmosphere.
Editor’s Notes
Why we love Ela…
A London wedding photographer we love for her emotive style influenced by a background in fashion and street photography. We love Ela Tatiana’s unexpected captures and creative use of motion to convey the strength of a single moment frozen in time, amongst the beautiful chaos of celebrations.
For the couple…
Ela Tatiana’s work is perfect for couples looking for modern, creative, editorial-inspired wedding photography.
Our Advice…
Ela really captures the energy of the day. You won’t see awkwardly composed frames in her work, just let the day unfold naturally and trust she’ll be there capturing exactly how it felt.